The memsync attribute


Before using memsync, make sure to understand its use first case by reading the introduction on memory synchronization.

memsync must be of type list[dict], i.e. a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary represents one memory section, which must be kept in sync. It can have the following keys:


memsync describes items within function arguments and return values based on “paths”. Consider the following example:

# arg index: 0        1        2
some_routine(param_a, param_b, param_c)

If param_b was the item in question, its path would be [1], a list with a single integer, referring to the second argument of some_routine counted from zero.

The following more complex example illustrates why the list is actually representing something like a “path”:

class some_struct(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('field_a', POINTER(c_float)),
        ('field_b', c_int),

# arg index:       0        1        2        3
some_other_routine(param_a, param_b, param_c, param_d)

Let’s assume that param_a is of type some_struct and field_a contains the target item. The path would look as follows: [0, 'field_a']. The target item is found in field_a of the first parameter of some_other_routine counted from zero, param_a.

Return values or elements within can be targeted by setting the first element of a path to 'r', instead of an integer targeting an argument.

Key: pointer, path to pointer

  • Type: list[str | int]

This parameter describes where zugbruecke’s parser can find the pointer, which it is expected to handle.

Key: length, path to length

  • Type: list[str | int] | tuple[list[str | int], ...]

  • Optional, if alternatives are provided.

This parameter describes where zugbruecke’s parser can find a number (integer) which represents the length of the memory block or, alternatively, arguments for a custom length function.

It is expected to be either a single path list like [0, 'field_a'] or a tuple of multiple (or even zero) path lists, if the optional func key (custom length function) is defined.

Key: null, NULL-terminated string flag

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Optional

Can be set to True if a NULL-terminated string is passed as an argument. memsync will automatically determine the length of the string, so no extra information on its length is required. length can be omitted.

Key: unic, Unicode character flag

  • Type: bool

  • Default: False

  • Optional

If a Unicode string (buffer) is passed into a function, this parameter must be set to True. Only relevant if null is also set to True.

Key: type, data type of pointer

  • Type: ctypes fundamental type or ctypes structure type

  • Default: ctypes.c_ubyte

  • Optional

This field expects a ctypes fundamental datatype or ctypes structure type. This parameter will be used by ctypes.sizeof for determining the datatype’s size in bytes. The result is then multiplied with the length to get an actual size of the memory block in bytes.

For details on sizeof, consult the Python documentation on sizeof. It accepts fundamental types as well as structure types.

Key: func, custom function for computing the length of the memory segment

  • Type: str (code of self-contained lambda or Python function)

  • Optional

This field can be used to provide the code of a function in a string, which can be parsed into a function or lambda expression for computing the length of the memory section from multiple parameters. If provided, the function receives the data gathered via the path(s) provided in length as arguments.

Key: custom, custom data type

  • Type: type (class)

  • Optional

If you are using a custom non-ctypes datatype, which offers a from_param method, you must specify it here. This may apply if you are constructing your own array types or use numpy types for instance.