The Memory Synchronization Protocol


Before using memsync, make sure to understand its use first case by reading the introduction on memory synchronization.

A Simple Example

This first example walks through how to handle an array of floating point numbers of arbitrary length. Consider the following example routine written in C and compiled into a DLL:

__stdcall __declspec(dllimport)
    float *a,
    int n
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < n - 1; ++i)
        for (j = 0; j < n - i - 1; ++j)
            if (a[j] > a[j + 1])
                float tmp = a[j];
                a[j] = a[j + 1];
                a[j + 1] = tmp;

It is a simple implementation of the bubble sort algorithm, which accepts a pointer to an array of floats of arbitrary length and an integer with length information. The array is being sorted within its own memory, so the caller expects a sorted array at the passed pointer after the call.

With ctypes on Windows, you could call the function as follows:

from ctypes import windll, cast, pointer, POINTER, c_float, c_int
from typing import List

_dll = windll.LoadLibrary('demo.dll')
_bubblesort = _dll.bubblesort
_bubblesort.argtypes = (POINTER(c_float), c_int)

def bubblesort(values: List[float]):
    "user-facing wrapper around DLL function"
    float_array = ((c_float)*len(values))(*values)
    pointer_firstelement = cast(pointer(float_array), POINTER(c_float))
    _bubblesort(pointer_firstelement, len(values)) # call into DLL
    values[:] = float_array[:]

test_vector = [5.74, 3.72, 6.28, 8.6, 9.34, 6.47, 2.05, 9.09, 4.39, 4.75]

For running the same code with zugbruecke on Unix, you need to add information on the memory segment representing the array. This is done by adding another attribute, memsync, to the _bubblesort function handle just like you usually specify argtypes and/or restype. The following example demonstrates how the above example must be modified for it to work with zugbruecke:

from typing import List
from zugbruecke.ctypes import windll, cast, pointer, POINTER, c_float, c_int

_dll = windll.LoadLibrary('demo.dll')
_bubblesort = _dll.bubblesort
_bubblesort.argtypes = (POINTER(c_float), c_int)
_bubblesort.memsync = [
        pointer = [0], # pointer argument
        length = [1], # length argument
        type = c_float, # array element type

def bubblesort(values: List[float]):
    "user-facing wrapper around DLL function"
    float_array = ((c_float)*len(values))(*values)
    pointer_firstelement = cast(pointer(float_array), POINTER(c_float))
    _bubblesort(pointer_firstelement, len(values)) # call into DLL
    values[:] = float_array[:]

test_vector = [5.74, 3.72, 6.28, 8.6, 9.34, 6.47, 2.05, 9.09, 4.39, 4.75]

Two things have changed. First, the import statement turned from ctypes to zugbruecke, although the exact same types, routines and objects were imported. Second, the _bubblesort function handle received an additional memsync attribute.


Because the memsync attribute will be ignored by ctypes, you can make the above piece of code platform-independent by adjusting the import statement only.


Because memsync can rely on information from argtypes and restype, it is recommended to set memsync after those attributes.

The complete example, which will run on Unix and on Windows, looks just like this:

from sys import platform
if any(platform.startswith(os_name) for os_name in ('linux', 'darwin', 'freebsd')):
    from zugbruecke.ctypes import windll, cast, pointer, POINTER, c_float, c_int # Unix
elif platform.startswith('win'):
    from ctypes import windll, cast, pointer, POINTER, c_float, c_int # Windows
    raise SystemError('unsupported platform')

_dll = windll.LoadLibrary('demo.dll')
_bubblesort = _dll.bubblesort
_bubblesort.argtypes = (POINTER(c_float), c_int)
_bubblesort.memsync = [
        pointer = [0], # pointer argument
        length = [1], # length argument
        type = c_float, # array element type

def bubblesort(values: List[float]):
    "user-facing wrapper around DLL function"
    float_array = ((c_float)*len(values))(*values)
    pointer_firstelement = cast(pointer(float_array), POINTER(c_float))
    _bubblesort(pointer_firstelement, len(values)) # call into DLL
    values[:] = float_array[:]

test_vector = [5.74, 3.72, 6.28, 8.6, 9.34, 6.47, 2.05, 9.09, 4.39, 4.75]

A Complex Example

This second example walks through how to compute the size of the memory from multiple arguments. There are plenty of cases where you will encounter function or structure definitions as follows:

__stdcall __declspec(dllimport)
    float *data,
    int width,
    int height

The data parameter is a flattened 1D array representing a 2D image. Its length is defined as the product of its width and its height. So the length of the array equals width * height. For cases like this, memsync has the ability to dynamically compute the length of the memory through custom functions. Let’s have a look at how the above function would be configured in Python:

process_image.argtypes = (ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float), ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_int)
process_image.memsync = [
        pointer = [0], # pointer argument
        length = ([1], [2]), # length arguments
        func = 'lambda x, y: x * y', # function for computing length
        type = c_float, # array element type

The above definition will extract the values of the width and height parameters for every function call and feed them into the specified lambda function.

String Buffers, Null-Terminated Strings and Unicode

Let’s assume you are confronted with a regular Python string. With the help of a DLL function, you want to replace all occurrences of a letter with another letter.

some_string = 'Hello world!'

The DLL function is defined as follows:

__stdcall __declspec(dllimport)
    char *buffer,
    char old_letter,
    char new_letter

In Python, it can be configured as follows:

replace_letter.argtypes = (
replace_letter.memsync = [
        pointer = [0], # pointer argument
        null = True, # null-terminated string flag

The above configuration indicates that the first argument of the function is a pointer to a NULL-terminated string.

While Python strings are actually Unicode strings, the function accepts an array of type char - a bytes array in Python terms. I.e. you have to encode the string before it is copied into a string buffer. The following example illustrates how the function replace_letter can be called on the string some_string, exchanging all letters o with u. Subsequently, the result is printed.

string_buffer = ctypes.create_string_buffer(some_string.encode('utf-8'))
replace_letter(string_buffer, 'o'.encode('utf-8'), 'u'.encode('utf-8'))

The process differs if the DLL function accepts Unicode strings. Let’s assume the DLL function is defined as follows:

__stdcall __declspec(dllimport)
    wchar_t *buffer,
    wchar_t old_letter,
    wchar_t new_letter

In Python, it can be configured like this:

replace_letter_w.argtypes = (
replace_letter_w.memsync = [
        pointer = [0], # pointer argument
        null = True, # null-terminated string flag
        unic = True, # unicode flag

One key aspect has changed: memsync contains another parameter, unic. It must be set to True, indicating that the argument is a Unicode string. Now you can call the function as follows:

unicode_buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(some_string)
replace_letter_w(unicode_buffer, 'o', 'u')

Callbacks / Function Pointers


Function pointers themselves do not require memory synchronization.

Arguments and/or return values of function pointers might require memory synchronization just like the arguments and return values of other functions. Let’s assume that you are dealing with structures of the following kind:

class Image(ctypes.Structure):
    _fields_ = [
        ('data', ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int16)),
        ('width', ctypes.c_int16),
        ('height', ctypes.c_int16),

2D monochrome image data is represented as a flattened 1D array, field data, with size information attached to it in the fields width and height. You furthermore have a function prototype which accepts an Image structure as an argument:

filter_func_type = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_int16, ctypes.POINTER(Image))

Before you actually decorate a Python function with it, all you have to do is to change the contents of the memsync attribute of the function prototype, filter_func_type:

filter_func_type.memsync = [
        pointer = [0, 'data'], # pointer argument
        length = ([0, 'width'], [0, 'height']), # length arguments
        func = 'lambda x, y: x * y', # function for computing length
        type = ctypes.c_int16, # array element type


The above syntax also does not interfere with ctypes on Windows, i.e. the code remains perfectly platform-independent.

Once the function prototype has been configured through memsync, it can be applied to a Python function:

def filter_edge_detection(image):
    # do something ...